Did You File for an Income Tax Extension?

For many taxpayers, filing and paying taxes is a time of the year that they dread. The individual may dread tax time for a variety of reasons, but the most common reasons for uncertainty and anxiety regarding taxes is often related to accuracy-related fears. Taxpayers...

What Tax Obligations do U.S. Taxpayers Living Overseas Have?

Whether you are living overseas in a foreign nation as an expatriate or are merely spending some time overseas for business purposes, U.S. tax filing and payment obligations do not vanish the second your leave the U.S. In fact, most expats and others living overseas...

TIGTA Identifies IRS Mistakes In Voluntary Disclosure Programs

Offshore Voluntary Disclosure and Streamlined Voluntary Disclosure are two programs that can permit a taxpayer to correct mistakes made regarding offshore non-compliance. In recent years, an array of obligations regarding the disclosure of offshore accounts and assets...
6 Common Taxpayer Mistakes